Solar Power - How To Build A Solar Panel

This easy to build solar panel is available in all the states across US. If you can connect your washing machine, build your own bookcase and install your sink unit then this is a very simple job.

Bookcase Corner Unit

The flat photovoltaic cells are easy to transport and are quite light in weight. All you have to do is identify the place in your garden or backyard or on the roof as to where you wish to build a solar panel. This place should receive maximum sun's rays and heat and should be exposed to the sun directly.

Bookcase Corner Unit

Place the photovoltaic cells flatly on the ground or roof one after the other and arrange them horizontally. The sun's rays falls on the solar panel and is collected and stored in it. These panels convert the heat into electricity and it's ready for use. In the nights or on a cloudy day when there is no sunlight the solar panel has storage facilities built in to store for a couple of days. This easy to build solar panel is also easy on the pocket and light to transport from place to place.

There is a toolkit along with every pack which is used to build solar panel. There is also a CD-rom along with every pack where there is video demonstration of how to build solar panel. A layman can assemble and start using it right from day one. There is no noise or dust or smoke that is emitted and it lies quietly in a corner of your home.

The cost on building a solar panel is cheaper than buying readymade. Since the sun's energy is free, the cost is only for the photovoltaic cells and the panels. It's negligible compared to the load it will save on your fuel bill. There are many websites with instructions on how to build a solar panel.

Once the cost to build a solar panel is dealt with the durability comes in question. Since the material involved is glass and wood there is not much wear and tear for the panel. Moreover it has been tested that the glass also doesn't spoil with the dust and exposure to sun. Copper is the metal which is used to build solar panel. Since water is used copper is the metal preferred to use even for domestic plumbing purposes.

Depending upon the usage of power according to an individual's need one can build a solar panel. The main items used to build a solar panel are Panel tray and frame absorber plate, copper tubing, insulation and glazing.

With many charity organizations, the government of Africa encourages villagers to build and use solar panel for power generation and agriculture. This way plenty of opportunities are created to unemployed youth and the desert regions make use of the raw material i.e. sun's heat to make life more easy and livable in these areas.

Imagine a world where everyone has access to affordable, clean, renewable power. If all the streets are lit, the forests green and not destroyed, with less noise, no fumes and plenty of clean air to breathe, then our earth will be a peaceful place to live in.

Solar Power - How To Build A Solar Panel
Bookcase Corner Unit

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